NOT for if you are placing “more emphasis” on the section of text message. GURPS, Steve Jackson Games’ flagship role-playing game, was first released in 1985. Several certified adaptations of other companies’ video games exist for the system, such as GURPS Burrows and Bunnies. However, SJ Games does not have any reference to Wizards of the Coast, producers of the Dungeons and Dragons RPG.
No GURPS content is open-source. Do not plagiarize SJ Games work! See how that ongoing works, they ALL have different meanings, and it’s up to the UA (user-agent, a browser is a UA but a UA isn’t always a internet browser) to determine how or even if to mention that. The HTML tags you use should follow this design. Take numbered headings. THEY DO NOT MEAN FONTS IN VARIOUS SIZES and WEIGHTS! That is just the default appearance in visual UA’s (browsers) and if you are choosing those tags for those reasons, you’re doing it ALL WRONG!
An H1 (unless you use HTML 5’s idiotic pointless SECTION label) may be the headING (singular) that everything on every page of your site is a subsection of. Similar — if not identical — from what the latter fifty percent of your TITLE tag following the hyphen should be. Think if it to be how on every page or fold-pair of a newspaper or book, the title of that document is top-right. It generates the structural base of the page. H2 suggest the beginning of a major subsection of the page, with the first H2 on the page supposedly being for the beginning of your main content and/or most significant thing in the record.
This is the reason why “source order” design tricks became something to begin with, so the principal content could be shifted up the web page between the H1 and any page navigational extras. H5 and H6 indicate actually? Lowly HR has a meaning Even, a big change in topic or section where heading text is unwanted or unwarranted. HTML 5’s SECTION, ARTICLE, ASIDE, MAIN, HEADER, FOOTER, and NAV are pointless code-bloat nonsense absolutely. P is perfect for wrapping grammatical paragraphs of flow text, not “oh this is some text” or “I want a double-break following this”. TABLE is for tabular data, not “hurr durrs eyes wunts amount columns”. UL/OL are for short bullet factors or selections, not multiple large parts of content!
That’s grammatical bullet factors, not “hurr durrz, eyes wunts uh dotsy be four it”.. Even SMALL is for cases where it might be structurally de-emphasized, like a tagline inside a heading — which explains why pairing two headings back to back for a single section is half-witted semantic gibbiersh. I bet you’ve never been told that before. To that end, using classes like “right” or “red” or “centered” violates the same concept. Not all devices you ought to be writing for are even capable of these conccepts.
Same applies to IMG. Is the image content? It goes into IMG. Area of the template? CSS as background-image, and does not have any continuing business in an IMG label. 100% of the time you see , chances are the developer had NO continuing business writing HTML or CSS, or some jackass above them unqualified to do their job had restricted the access had a need to do things properly. If you’re not using ALL your CSS with to an external document, you’re missing caching opportunities and have violated the parting of concerns: specifically parting of display from content. CSS, the “display and” part is also an indicator of not knowing enough HTML to be writing CSS.
That screen target should have been determined prior to the CSS was even loaded. The technique I advocate is named “progressive enhancement”. It keeps the parting of concerns, focuses on availability, and automatically creates elegant degradation — the page still working and useful if fancy stuff is broken/inapplicable to an individual — for you with little to no extra effort.
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It is also a faster technique since you build from the content up, rather than making some goofy artsy-fartsy BS design that you have to customize content for. HTML, CSS, and the rest WILL NOT EVEN EXIST. Which means headings to make a navigable document framework that fans out like a tree. DIV and Period have No business in the code as of this true point, nor do any ID’s or classes.
CSS. This is when you’re able to add DIV and SPAN but do this sparingly, only as needed. Don’t just blindly vomit them into the markup. Same for the classes and ID’s. When an element has a properly good parent and all its siblings are receiving the same style, NONE OF THEM NEED CLASSES! This is where classes like “menu-anchor” and “menu-item” are mentally enfeebled bullshit. I say focus on legacy desktop because its what we cannot target with mass media queries first. It is the default. A WHOLE LOT of mouth-breathers say “mobile first” and that is just utterly back-assward. How do you personalize for legacy desktop after mobile if you cannot focus on that legacy?
Your designs should all be three very considerations. First, elastic. This implies designed in EM. The EM measurement should be used for font-sizes, widths, paddings, margins, and anything else of major transfer because it has ZERO fixed romantic relationship to pixels. Instead it is dependant on the browserr’s default font size, which in some instances is inherited from the OS, and in most all cases can be customized by the user.