Innovate. Instruct. Inspire

K-4 students last year, and it helped us make the Technology Lab completely paperless almost, so it is no wonder I continue steadily to rave about this tool! I had been inspired to write some blog posts on Seesaw. Check back again frequently over the new little while or follow me on Twitter to be sure you don’t miss any of this series! This post addresses those little “extras” that didn’t really fit in some other part of this series. When you get on the website, click your name in the top, left corner, click on your course name, and click “manage class,” you’ll notice quite a few options. Class name: students will discover the name of your class when they sign in, so keep that at heart when naming it.

The day of the practice run, give your SME options. Some people need a teleprompter; some people are horrible with them. It is up to you to understand the way the SME shall best deliver training. Day of the take I recommend experimenting prior to the. Make the SME’s personality shine, and do not worry about perfection.

The convenient for the instructor, the greater involved the learner. Developing a few errors provides SME more personality and humanity. If the SME is prepared, it will show through in the video as well as your learners will benefit. Once the camera starts rolling, you have to be several different people at once. The course must be produced by you like a television show, and you must ensure that the instruction is clear and solid.

Help your SME play the role of the EDUTAINOR (mix of an educator and an entertainer). Again, having an outline and a list of desired learning goals makes this simple. Figure 2 On camera, the subject matter expert must be considered a combination educator and entertainer: a Edutainor. The best advice I can give you is to make your SME’s happy and comfortable. These are needed by you to be who they are.

Try never to make your talent feel like they have to act; in the end, this isn’t Hollywood. Show your talent that if they screw up, don’t stop; let them keep on going. I also claim that you record each video in segments that are just two to seven minutes long. This allows the SME to take a deep breath and doesn’t put as much pressure to them.

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You can always go back to redo a few sections. Make certain beforehand that you’ve examined your video and sound equipment, and that you have all the insects out before the talent arrives. Don’t over-think; creating training video should be simple and fun. Ensure that during Step three 3 you take good notes; this will be helpful when editing the video and when uploading the course to your LMS.

I suggest debriefing after the take with your team. Jot down anything that might make a difference. Having another group of ears and eye on the shoot is very useful. Finally, I suggest that the editor also be the cameraman, which is a great way to teach the editor on the course. Do not forget to consider the disabled learner; create shut captions for all those video training. Closed captions are also a sensible way to enhance your video for Google serps.